MOD Cat Sculpted for LISA LoungeAt the beginning of 2015, I declared (to myself), that this would be my year of → C R E A T I N G.

So, here is a style exploration that I really had fun creating! Kokomo is my very fluffy cat that falls into all of the cat stereotypes when it comes to attitude. Lately, I have been doing a lot of Sculpey prototypes and was in that mode. I am intrigued by the idea of illustrating in 3d and like the idea of using my fabric patterns as backgrounds. Combining illustration with photography is very on trend with everything you see on social media. The MOD style of this 3d illustration also falls into my L I S A Lounge brand. This would make a really cute shadowbox framed gift product. My next step will be incorporating more sculpted elements to create a visual story.

Stay tuned for more of this style. Oh, and here is the real Kokomo ↓
